Bike More, Save Energy


May 1 marked the start of the 2016 Bike More Challenge, and Oregon Department of Energy staff are already logging miles! The Bike More Challenge is the new version of the popular Bike Commute Challenge, which used to take place each September. Bike More is a free, fun workplace program that encourages employees to ride their bikes throughout the month of May.

With Bike More, you ride, earn points, and win prizes for yourself and your team. Logging just one day on your bike will earn you a free cookie…and the prizes only get better from there.

Riding your bike is not just good for your health, it’s also good for your community:

  • Riding a bike instead of driving saves energy and cuts greenhouse gas emissions. Cars produce almost a pound of pollution per mile – bikes produce zero!
  • Taking cars off the road and replacing them with bikes also cuts down on traffic... and idling cars in rush hour.
  • Building a bike uses fewer natural resources than making cars, such as rubber from plants for tire materials.

Biking to work or to run errands also has economic benefits. Short rides may encourage you to shop locally and support neighborhood small businesses. Biking can also make your wallet feel heavier – check out this handy calculator to estimate how much you might save by biking to work instead of driving.

Want to participate in the Bike More Challenge? Grab your helmet and safety gear, and visit Bike More’s website to learn more: