Posts tagged Public Involvement
Oregon Energy Strategy: Summer Update

The Oregon Energy Strategy is closing in on its first major milestone – finalizing a Reference Scenario. Scenarios are used in an energy system model to show different pathways to meeting Oregon’s energy and climate goals. The Reference Scenario will become the core pathway built by the model to achieve Oregon’s “anchor” energy policy objectives.

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Energy Facilities Spotlight: State Jurisdiction

As Oregon makes progress on its clean energy goals – including a 100 percent clean electricity target by 2040 for the state’s largest utilities – the state will need new clean energy generation facilities like wind and solar to meet energy demand. But who decides where and how facilities are built in Oregon?

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Energy Facilities Spotlight: Meeting the Standards

Oregon’s Energy Facility Siting Council, commonly called EFSC, is responsible for overseeing the development of large electric generating facilities, high-voltage transmission lines, gas pipelines, radioactive waste disposal sites, and other energy projects. EFSC has a set of standards that energy facilities must meet, including standards to protect natural resources, ensure public health and safety, and protect against adverse environmental effects.

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Stay Up to Speed on Oregon’s Proposed Energy Facilities

Did you know the Oregon Department of Energy’s energy facility siting team and the Energy Facility Siting Council currently have more than a dozen state jurisdictional energy facilities in the review pipeline? ODOE wants to make sure Oregonians can stay in the loop in this important public process. Our siting team provides a monthly update that outlines all projects that are in review, including current status and what’s on the horizon so Oregonians can stay informed about progress and view opportunities to get involved.

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Oregon Global Warming Commission Re-Opens Application for the Natural and Working Lands Advisory Committee

The Oregon Global Warming Commission is seeking applicants to serve on a new Natural and Working Lands Advisory Committee to provide input on the implementation of the Commission’s Natural and Working Lands Proposal, which was adopted in August 2021. The proposal set a net goal for sequestration and storage in natural and working lands, made recommendations for how to track progress toward the goal, and identified key strategies and programs needed to achieve the goal.

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October 2021 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, we’re talking about community outreach meetings for ODOE's Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Program, a feature on floating offshore wind turbines, reports from around the agency, and more.

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ODOE Energy Report: Join Us May 13 for a Webinar on Energy + Climate in Oregon

The Oregon Department of Energy will host a public webinar on May 13, 2021 to walk through parts of the agency’s 2020 Biennial Energy Report that focus on energy and climate in Oregon.

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Introduction to the 2020 Biennial Energy Report: December 3 Webinar

Join the Oregon Department of Energy on Thursday, December 3 for an introduction to our 2020 Biennial Energy Report. ODOE published the 2020 "BER" on November 1, with a focus on fundamental information about energy in Oregon as well as on emerging energy issues.

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Oregon Department of Energy to Host Public Meetings September 30 on Chemical Waste Management Risk Assessment and Corrective Action Plan

The Oregon Department of Energy will hold two public meetings on September 30, 2020 to discuss Chemical Waste Management of the Northwest’s risk assessment and corrective action plan following ODOE’s February Notice of Violation to the company for illegal disposal of radioactive materials in an Arlington landfill.

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ODOE to Hold Two Public Information Meetings in November on Proposed Utility-Scale Solar Projects

The Energy Facility Siting Council is currently reviewing seven proposed state-jurisdiction facilities in Oregon. Two of those facilities, Bakeoven Solar Project and Obsidian Solar Center, recently submitted complete applications for a site certificate. Now, ODOE will host informational meetings about each proposed facility so Oregonians can learn more about them.

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More Than 300 Oregonians Attend Hearings For Proposed Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line

It’s always nice when we hear from fellow Oregonians – and see new corners of our beautiful state along the way. A handful of Oregon Department of Energy staff – along with the all-volunteer Energy Facility Siting Council – got to do just that in late June at public hearings on the draft proposed order of the planned Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line.

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Oregon Department of Energy to Hold Five Public Hearings for Proposed Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line

The Oregon Department of Energy and the Energy Facility Siting Council will hold a series of public hearings on the Draft Proposed Order for the Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line in Eastern Oregon this month.

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