Posts tagged Climate Change
Oregon Energy Strategy: Summer Update

The Oregon Energy Strategy is closing in on its first major milestone – finalizing a Reference Scenario. Scenarios are used in an energy system model to show different pathways to meeting Oregon’s energy and climate goals. The Reference Scenario will become the core pathway built by the model to achieve Oregon’s “anchor” energy policy objectives.

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Oregon Climate Action Commission to Meet Virtually June 11

The Oregon Climate Action Commission will meet on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. The public meeting will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. online. On the agenda: exploring actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector.

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Laying the Groundwork for the Oregon Energy Strategy

The Oregon Department of Energy has been busy laying the groundwork for developing a new Oregon Energy Strategy, which will identify pathways to achieving the state’s energy and climate goals. The Strategy will be built through a step-by-step, two-phase process with stakeholder engagement at its core.

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ODOE Director Janine Benner Talks Clean Energy Transition with University of Oregon Green Business Initiative

ODOE Director Janine Benner was pleased to join the University of Oregon Green Business Initiative’s annual symposium on April 13 to share about Oregon’s energy landscape, our climate and energy goals, and how recent federal funding investments can be a game-changer for an equitable clean energy transition.

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Oregon Global Warming Commission Publishes Roadmap to 2030 to Guide State Climate Action

After several years of work, the Oregon Global Warming Commission published a new Oregon Climate Action Roadmap to 2030, which includes extensive recommendations to inform state climate action.

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January 2023 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, ODOE begins accepting applications for a second round of grants, highlights the basics about heat pump technology and upcoming programs, welcomes a new Energy Facility Siting Council member, and more.

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OCCRI’s Sixth Climate Assessment Outlines Climate Change Effects on Oregon

On January 4, 2023 the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute released the Sixth Oregon Climate Assessment, a biennial evaluation of recent scientific findings relating to the impacts and risks of climate change in Oregon. ODOE Senior Clean Energy Policy Analyst Amy Schlusser summarizes some of the key findings from the Assessment.

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Heat Pumps on the Rise in 2023

About a quarter of Oregon’s overall energy use comes from homes, from lighting and cooking to heating and cooling. Making the switch to energy efficient appliances and technologies means less energy use, lower energy bills, fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and more comfortable homes. Heat pumps, which move heat rather than create it, are becoming more popular in Oregon homes thanks to their efficient heating and cooling, lower energy use, and big incentive savings on the horizon.

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July 2022 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, a new interactive mapping tool to connect renewable energy potential and other development, a big milestone for electric vehicles in Oregon, good news for the state's greenhouse gas reduction goal, and more.

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Oregon Global Warming Commission Analysis Shows Oregon’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goal is Within Reach

Thanks to Oregon’s recent bold energy and climate change policy advances, the state is projected to meet its 2035 greenhouse gas reduction goal, according to a recent analysis for the Oregon Global Warming Commission.

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Transportation EV-olution: Oregon Reaches Electric Vehicle Milestone

Oregonians are continuing to make the switch to electric vehicles, with more than 50,000 registered electric vehicles on Oregon roads as of the end of April 2022. Data from the Oregon Department of Transportation show electric vehicles charging up in all 36 Oregon counties, from Curry to Wallowa, Clatsop to Malheur.

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