Plant a Tree, Save Energy


We are lucky to live in a tree-rich state, from the Douglas Firs of the Coast Range to the Junipers of Eastern Oregon. Trees help make our state beautiful and our air fresh, but did you know they can also help you save energy? Well-placed trees and shrubs can shade your home in the summer or block cold winds in the winter. Deciduous, leafy trees are dual-purpose. They can provide shade in the summer and let sun in after dropping leaves in the fall and winter.

The U.S. Department of Energy reports that trees could save you up to 25 percent on your energy bills!

Tree-planting season in Oregon is now in full swing. Newly-planted trees require a lot of water, so planting in rainy months is ideal (added bonus: trees help keep stormwater run-off out of busy sewer systems). Oregon’s planting season wraps up around the end of April.

Ready to go green, but not sure where to start? Check out these helpful resources:

Live in the Portland area? Planting a tree at your home could earn you a “Treebate” on your City of Portland combined water and sewer bill.

Love planting trees but don’t have a yard? Volunteer to plant trees in your local forests or neighborhoods.