Oregon Ranks Among Top Five Most Energy Efficient U.S. States

Rachel Wray, 503-689-0294
Jennifer Kalez, 503-480-9239


SALEM – The Oregon Department of Energy announced today Oregon’s top five ranking among the most energy efficient states in the country by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. ACEEE’s 2017 scorecard marks the eleventh year Oregon has landed among the top ten.

This year, Oregon ranks at number five, up from last year’s number seven spot. The state is joined in the top ten by its west coast neighbors, with Washington ranking number seven and California earning the number two spot.

Each year, the ACEEE releases its State Energy Efficiency Scorecard, which measures states based on utility and public benefit programs and policies; transportation policies; building energy codes; combined heat and power policies; state government-led initiatives around energy efficiency; and appliance and equipment standards. In its Scorecard announcement Thursday, the ACEEE said, “Vermont and Oregon ranked fourth and fifth, respectively, both posting increases to their nation-leading levels of electricity savings and showing strong performances across nearly every policy area.”

In particular, the Scorecard awards Oregon the maximum six points for government-led energy initiatives like the State Energy Efficient Design (SEED) Program, which outlines energy requirements for public buildings. Oregon is also recognized for its utility programs, strong building energy code requirements, and innovative transportation policies.

“We’re proud that once again, Oregon is acknowledged as a leader in energy efficiency,” said ODOE Director Michael Kaplan. “Energy efficiency is a smart, cost-effective way to help meet our statewide energy goals, and one where every Oregonian can be part of the effort. The team at the Oregon Department of Energy will continue to work with our partners to implement thoughtful energy efficiency programs and advance to the top of ACEEE’s field.”

ACEEE also ranks the largest U.S. cities. This year, Portland ranked number four, thanks to its Climate Action Plan, local government programs, and goal to convert 20 percent of the city’s fleet to electric vehicles by 2030.

Learn more about Oregon Department of Energy programs on its website: www.oregon.gov/energy.