ODOE to Host 2019-21 Agency Request Budget Open House and Public Meeting


The Oregon Department of Energy’s 2019-21 budget is taking shape. We’ll submit an Agency Request Budget to the Oregon Department of Administrative Services in August, where it will be evaluated and analyzed as the Governor’s Recommended Budget is developed later this fall. Before we do that, we’ll meet with the public and entities subject to the energy supplier assessment at an open house and public meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 18 in Salem. Everyone is invited to attend.

The open house is a chance for people to talk to ODOE staff about the agency’s work and projects we’re working on. At the public budget meeting, we’ll discuss our program areas, our budget, and the revenues we think we’ll need to do our jobs over the next biennium.

Can’t make it to Salem? You can watch the meeting via webinar or call in to listen. Details:

Wednesday, July 18, 2018 Open House: 1–2 p.m. Public Meeting: 2–4 p.m.

Attend in person: Oregon Department of Energy (parking info) Meitner Conference Room 550 Capitol St. NE, Salem OR 97301

Watch the public meeting from 2 to 4 p.m. online:  https://www.connectmeeting.att.com Meeting Number: 213-270-2124 Access Code: 3125235

Listen to the public meeting by phone:  Call-in Number: 888-273-3658 Access Code: 3125235

More info about ODOE's budget: https://www.oregon.gov/energy/About-Us/Pages/Budget.aspx