Energy Facility Siting Council to Meet Remotely October 22-23

The next regularly scheduled meeting of Oregon’s Energy Facility Siting Council will be held virtually Thursday and Friday, October 22-23, 2020. The meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday and 8:30 a.m. on Friday.

The main items on the Council’s agenda are:

  • Public Hearing and Possible Decision of Safe Public Meetings and Hearings Rulemaking – Council will conduct a public hearing on proposed rules to allow the Council to waive any provision of rule requiring that a public meeting or public hearing be held in person or in a specific geographical area, if the Council Chair finds that in-person attendance at the meeting or hearing would present a risk to public health or safety or the health and safety of the participants. Written comments may be submitted to Comments must be received by 6:00 pm on October 22 to be considered. After considering public comments, Council may consider the adoption of permanent rules.

  • Council Review of Amended Wildlife Mitigation and Monitoring Plans for Wheatridge Renewable Energy Facility I and Wheatridge Renewable Energy Facility II (Action Items) – Council will receive a presentation from staff (continued from the presentation provided at the July 22, 2020 Council meeting) on certificate holder requests to modify the survey methods and use a different statistical analytical model for the post-construction bird and bat fatality monitoring study required under the Wildlife Monitoring and Mitigation Plan (WMMP). Council may approve, modify, or reject the WMMP amendment requests.

  • Portland General Electric Presentation: Boardman Coal Plant Shutdown (Information Item) –Council will receive a presentation from PGE regarding the shutdown of the Boardman Coal Plant. 

  • Initiation of Protected Areas, Scenic Resources, and Recreation Rulemaking (Action Item) – Council will consider staff’s recommendation to initiate rulemaking proceedings to develop proposed revisions to the Council’s Protected Areas, Scenic Resources, and Recreation Standards and associated rules.

  • Council Appointment to The Climate Trust’s Oregon Offset Committee (Action Item) –The Council will receive a brief overview of The Climate Trust’s Oregon Offset Committee which makes decisions regarding the use of carbon offset funds received as part of the Council’s carbon standard. The Council will then consider appointing a Council member to the Oregon Offset Committee.

  • Biennial Fee Update (Action Item) – The Council will consider staff’s recommended fee schedule for 2021-2022.

There will be opportunities for public comment both days.

The full meeting agenda and other meeting materials are available on the ODOE website:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Oregon Department of Energy and Energy Facility Siting Council are practicing social distancing measures, so this meeting will be made available remotely using the online Webex platform. Please see the meeting agenda for detailed instructions on how to participate.

To request an interpreter for the hearing impaired or accommodations for persons with disabilities, please contact the department at least 72 hours before the meeting at 1-800-221-8035 or fax 503-373-7806. TTY users should call the Oregon Relay Service at 711.

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