Energy Facility Siting Council to Meet Remotely April 24

Jennifer Kalez, 503-378-5054

SALEM — Oregon’s Energy Facility Siting Council will meet remotely on Friday, April 24, 2020 using the Zoom online platform. The public meeting begins at 8:30 a.m.

The main items on the Council’s agenda:

  • Bakeoven Solar Project (Wasco County): If there are no requests to participate in the contested case phase by the April 20, 2020 deadline, Council will review staff’s Proposed Order, including changes from the Draft Proposed Order. Council will either approve or amend the Proposed Order as the Final Order and issue a site certificate, or will reject the Proposed Order and deny a site certificate. The proposed facility would include up to 303 megawatts of solar photovoltaic power generation equipment and related or supporting facilities, occupying up to 2,717 acres east of Maupin.

  • Proposed Solar Photovoltaic Rulemaking: Council will receive an update on the latest feedback provided by the rules advisory committee on March 9, 2020, and will consider staff’s draft proposed rules and recommendations for the project. Council may authorize issuing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and initiate formal proceedings to adopt the proposed rules.

  • Carbon Offset Rate Rulemaking: Council will review staff’s preliminary recommendations to update the monetary rate for carbon offsets in OAR 345-024-0580 and consider initiating the rulemaking process.

The full meeting agenda and materials are available on the ODOE website:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Oregon Department of Energy and Energy Facility Siting Council are practicing social distancing measures, so this meeting will be held remotely using the online Zoom platform. Please see the meeting agenda for detailed instructions about how to participate.

To request an interpreter for the hearing impaired or accommodations for persons with disabilities, please contact the department at least 72 hours before the meeting at 1-800-221-8035 or fax 503-373-7806. TTY users should call the Oregon Relay Service at 711.

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