Oregon Climate Action Commission Recruiting New Members

The Oregon Climate Action Commission is seeking members to support its work and advance its statutory duties. Interested Oregon residents with experience in environmental justice, manufacturing, or the fishing industry are encouraged to apply for one of the commission’s vacant voting positions. The commission is also seeking a youth member (aged 16 to 24) to serve a two-year voting member term.

The Oregon Climate Action Commission makes recommendations on statutory and administrative changes, policy measures and other actions that should be carried out to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions in Oregon consistent with the state’s emissions reduction and sequestration goals and prepare communities for the effects of climate change.

Originally created in 2007 as the Oregon Global Warming Commission, the commission was modernized and renamed the Oregon Climate Action Commission (OCAC) in 2024.

The OCAC is a 35-member commission comprised of 13 voting members appointed by the Governor and 22 nonvoting members, including leadership from state agencies, members of the Oregon Legislature, and academics. The commission’s voting members include individuals appointed for their subject matter expertise and professional and lived experience in the following areas: manufacturing, energy, transportation, forestry, agriculture, fishing, environmental policy, environmental justice, and youth perspectives. The commission also has four at-large voting members. Other areas of expertise and experience important to the commission’s work include climate policy, science, education, economic development, public finance, natural resource management, workforce development, land use, and climate adaptation efforts. Collectively, OCAC members reflect the social, environmental, cultural, and economic diversity of the state.

The commission is currently recruiting the following members:

  • One voting member with experience in environmental justice

  • One voting member with experience in manufacturing

  • One voting member with experience in the fishing industry

  • One youth voting member, aged 16 to 24 (two-year term)

OCAC voting members are public officials subject to executive appointment by the Oregon Governor. Commissioners are appointed to serve four-year terms and are eligible for reappointment to serve one additional term.  The OCAC convenes on a monthly or bimonthly basis, and members are expected to prepare for and actively participate in commission meetings. OCAC meetings are typically virtual, though the commission may also meet in person at locations throughout the state.

Oregon residents with the experience or perspectives listed above are encouraged to apply for a seat on the commission. This recruitment will be open until filled. Applications submitted by July 17, 2024 will receive priority consideration. Interested candidates must submit a resume and an electronic application to the Governor’s Office that includes a short personal biography and briefly describes why the applicant is interested in serving on the commission. Application materials and instructions are available on the Governor’s Boards & Commissions page.

The commission’s recent work products, meeting materials, and other resources can be found on the commission’s website. Please direct questions about the recruitment process or candidate qualifications to OCAC@energy.oregon.gov.