Energy Facility Siting Council to Meet Virtually July 19

SALEM — The next regularly scheduled meeting of Oregon’s Energy Facility Siting Council will be held virtually on Friday, July 19, 2024. Attendance will be open to the public using the online Webex platform. Please see the meeting agenda for more detailed information, including meeting time and instructions on how to attend virtually.

The main items on the Council’s agenda include:

Wagon Trail Solar – Continuation of Council Review of the Draft Proposed Order (Information Item): Chase McVeigh Walker, Senior Siting Policy Analyst. The Wagon Trail Solar Project is a proposed solar photovoltaic energy generation facility with a generating capacity of approximately 500 megawatts. The facility would be located within an approximately 7,450-acre (11.64 sq. miles) site boundary. Other proposed components include a battery energy storage system (lithium-ion batteries); power collection system; up to two substations; operation and maintenance building; Generator Step Up (GSU) transformer; 0.6 mile overhead 230 kV transmission line; perimeter fencing, access roads, and staging areas. Council will review the Draft Proposed Order, including issues raised in comments received on the record of the public hearing, and applicant responses, and may provide comments to staff for consideration in the Proposed Order. 

2024 Carbon Dioxide Emissions Offset Rate Rulemaking (Action Item): Thomas Jackman, EFSC Rules Coordinator, will request Council’s authorization to issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and initiate formal rulemaking proceedings to update the Council’s existing carbon dioxide emissions offset rate which may be increased or decreased by no more than 50 percent every two years.

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Solar Noise Rulemaking (Action Item): Thomas Jackman, EFSC Rules Coordinator, will provide Council an update of the ongoing Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s Solar Noise Rulemaking in OAR 340 Division 35 that was requested by the Oregon Department of Energy to provide the same flexibility for solar projects that were provided for wind projects in DEQ’s 2004 rulemaking.

The full meeting agenda and other meeting materials are available on ODOE’s website.

To request an interpreter for the hearing impaired or accommodations for persons with disabilities, please contact the department at least 72 hours before the meeting at 1-800-221-8035 or fax 503-373-7806. TTY users should call the Oregon Relay Service at 711.