Posts in Safety & Resilience
Oregon Department of Energy Encourages Oregonians to Weigh in on Hanford Nuclear Site Cleanup

The Oregon Department of Energy expressed its concern in an official letter to the U.S. Department of Energy late last month, regarding USDOE’s proposal to offer a new interpretation of what constitutes “high-level radioactive waste” at the Hanford Site and other nuclear cleanup sites across the country.

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ODOE’s Siting Division Reviewing A Record 15 Projects

Utility-scale solar electric facilities are the hot new thing in Oregon, and many existing wind farms are taking steps to “repower” older turbines by using longer blades. Those are two reasons why the Facility Siting Division at the Oregon Department of Energy now has a record 15 projects under review!

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Oregon Department of Energy to Hold Public Meeting on Hanford High-Level Waste Reclassification Proposal on October 16

The Oregon Department of Energy will hold a public meeting on October 16 in Portland to discuss the U.S. Department of Energy’s proposal to reclassify high-level radioactive waste at the Hanford Nuclear Site in Washington. The public meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Eliot Center at the First Unitarian Church in Portland (1226 SW Salmon St.).

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Oregon Department of Energy Experts to Talk Hanford Cleanup at OMSI Science Pub on August 2

The Hanford Nuclear Site, from the early days of the Manhattan Project to today’s ongoing environmental cleanup, will be the topic of the OMSI Science Pub in Portland on August 2. Ken Niles and Jeff Burright, nuclear experts from the Oregon Department of Energy, are the featured speakers.

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Energy Facility Siting Council To Meet June 29 In Salem

Rulemaking projects related to carbon dioxide emissions and solar photovoltaic facilities will be the main topics of discussion at the next Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council meeting on Friday, June 29 in Salem.

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