Posts in Safety & Resilience
Ice Ice Oregon

Frozen conditions across the state caused power outages and slowed fuel deliveries to many Oregon communities this week. The Oregon Department of Energy shares some of the actions we’ve taken to keep fuel moving, as well as tips from ODOE staff about how to be prepared.

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November 2023 Newsletter

In our last newsletter of 2023, ODOE seeks additional regional administrators for our community heat pump program, shares the latest on federal Home Energy Rebates, publishes the latest Grounded podcast episode, and more.

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On the Road in Oregon: October 2023

"On the Road in Oregon," is an exciting new blog series where you can join ODOE Community Navigator Sarah Moehrke as she journeys through the heart of Oregon's diverse communities and fosters connections and collaboration across the state.

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Federal Energy Efficiency Savings Coming to Oregon in 2024

As we turn to 2024, ODOE looks forward to helping roll out new programs to help Oregonians save energy at home. The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act invested dollars in Home Energy Rebates – a pair of programs that will help Oregonians make their homes more energy efficient by installing appliances and performing upgrades that will also help residents save money.

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October 2023 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, ODOE celebrates the Pacific Northwest's selection as a regional clean hydrogen hub, publishes an updated Oregon Solar Dashboard, kicks off development of an Oregon State Energy Strategy and an Energy Security Plan, and more.

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Save the Date! Join ODOE to Kick off Oregon Energy Strategy November 13

The Oregon Department of Energy is kicking off development of a State Energy Strategy that identifies pathways to achieve the state’s energy policy objectives. Join ODOE on November 13, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. for an introductory webinar to learn about the opportunities the State Energy Strategy provides and ways to engage in the process.

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ODOE Publishes Draft Oregon Energy Security Plan

The Oregon Department of Energy is working on a new Energy Security Plan for the state that will identify risks to our electricity, liquid fuel, and natural gas/propane systems — and propose ways to mitigate those risks. ODOE published a draft version of the plan on September 30, and will kick off a public engagement effort to hear from Oregonians on October 16.

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September 2023 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, ODOE publishes a new electric vehicle report showing goals are within reach, shares the latest on federal funding coming to Oregon, reminds Oregonians to be prepared for emergencies and disasters, and more.

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ODOE Works to Bring Millions in Federal Dollars to Oregon

The 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act authorized billions of federal dollars for infrastructure spending and energy and climate programs. From strengthening the resilience of the electric grid to offering rebates for home energy improvements, the funding can make a big difference for Oregonians across the state.

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August 2023 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, ODOE reopens the Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive program, shares Oregon's requirements for decommissioning energy facilities, shines a spotlight on energy use in Oregon agriculture, and more.

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Oregon Department of Energy Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Extended to 2025

An Oregon Department of Energy incentive program designed to encourage energy efficient rebuilding following the 2020 wildfires has been extended to continue helping communities rebuild. The $10 million Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Program was originally authorized to accept applications through May 2023, but many wildfire survivors are still recovering and trying to rebuild their homes and businesses. In response to the ongoing need, the Oregon Legislature passed a bill this year to extend the program to June 1, 2025.

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The Wheels on the Electric Bus Go Round and Round

It may feel too early to be talking about going back to school, but many students in the Beaverton School District will enjoy a clean, quiet ride this fall thanks to 13 electric buses in the district’s fleet. Two of Beaverton’s buses were supported, in part, by funds from the Public Purpose Charge, a program administered by the Oregon Department of Energy.

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July 2023 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, ODOE launches a new incentive program to support heat pumps in Oregon rental homes, re-launches the Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program with a new $10 million investment, tracks a contamination concern at the Hanford Nuclear Site, and more.

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Historic Hanford Contamination is Worse Than Expected: Oregon Experts Weigh In

In late June, the U.S. Department of Energy reported that radioactive contamination beneath a building at the Hanford Nuclear Site is worse than originally thought. What does that mean? Oregon Department of Energy Assistant Director for Nuclear Safety and Emergency Preparedness Maxwell Woods and Hanford Hydrogeologist Tom Sicilia weigh in.

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June 2023 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, ODOE announces 39 grant recipients for renewable energy and resilience projects, begins recruiting contractors for the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program, reflects on the 2023 Legislative Session, publishes the latest Grounded podcast episode, and more.

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Oregon Department of Energy Grant Program Supports Renewable Energy and Energy Resilience Development Across the State

The Oregon Department of Energy has selected 39 recipients to receive a total of $12 million in Community Renewable Energy Grant Program funds. The program supports planning and construction of renewable energy or energy resilience projects for Tribes, public bodies, and consumer-owned utilities.

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