Posts in Saving Energy
How ODOE is Working to Bring Federal Funds to Oregon

The 2021 Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act are making unprecedented investments in clean energy, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas reduction activities around the country. The Oregon Department of Energy is working hard to ensure that Oregon is well-positioned to receive and leverage this funding in support of the state’s energy policies and priorities – and to do so in a way that improves the lives of Oregonians.

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November 2022 Newsletter

In our last newsletter of the year, ODOE publishes the 2022 Biennial Energy Report, releases a new study on renewable hydrogen, announces a request for information on Grid Resilience, plugs into the latest Grounded podcast episode, and more.

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Oregon Department of Energy Report Highlights Pathways for Oregon’s Energy Future

The Oregon Department of Energy published its 2022 Biennial Energy Report on November 1, featuring fundamental information and data about energy in Oregon, highlights of emerging resources and technology, and deeper dives into challenging policy questions.

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August 2022 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, we celebrate new federal funding coming to bolster Oregon energy efforts, help Oregonians rebuild from the 2020 wildfires, welcome U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to Oregon, and more.

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Inflation Reduction Act to Bolster Oregon Energy Efforts

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is an exciting piece of historic legislation. This is the largest federal investment in clean energy and climate policy ever made by the federal government with many programs scheduled to last a decade. As the State Energy Office, ODOE will apply for new funding to bring into our state.

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June 2022 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, ODOE receives National State Leadership in Clean Energy award, is recruiting members for a Community Renewable Energy Grant review committee, talks electric vehicles and the grid, shares Director Benner's views on energy resilience, and more.

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May 2022 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, ODOE opens application portal for Community Renewable Energy Grants, practices nuclear emergency response at Hanford, helps Oregon rural small businesses and agricultural producers identify energy savings, and more.

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April 2022 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter: $10 million for energy efficient rebuilding from the wildfires, a playbook for federal funding for rural communities, reopening our Salem office to the public, a new podcast episode for your ear buds, and more.

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Rural Playbook Available for Federal Infrastructure Funding

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, signed by President Biden in November 2021, will bring significant resources to communities across the United States — including right here in Oregon. To ensure rural communities can access these investment dollars, the White House has developed a Rural Playbook to act as a roadmap for applying for funding.

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Oregon Department of Energy Launches Wildfire Recovery Incentive Program to Encourage Energy Efficient Rebuilding

The Oregon Department of Energy has $10 million available to support Oregonians who lost their homes or businesses during the 2020 wildfires that devastated communities across Oregon. As Oregonians rebuild, the agency will provide financial support to improve energy efficiency to make rebuilt homes and businesses more comfortable and provide long-term energy savings.

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March 2022 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, $12 million for community renewable and energy resilience projects, upcoming support for energy efficient wildfire recovery, wrapping up the 2022 legislative session, celebrating women's contributions to energy, and more.

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Oregon Department of Energy Announces $12 Million in Grant Funding for Renewable Energy and Energy Resilience Projects

The Oregon Department of Energy is pleased to announce it will soon begin accepting applications for its new Community Renewable Energy Grant Program. ODOE is making $12 million available to support planning and construction of renewable energy or energy resilience projects for Tribes, public bodies, and consumer-owned utilities.

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February 2022 Newsletter

In our February newsletter, we’re leading the way on energy efficiency, tracking safe transport of radioactive materials, celebrating Black History Month, looking toward a busy spring for energy incentive programs, and more.

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Oregon Continues to Lead the Way for an Energy Efficient Economy

Each year, the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy releases its State Energy Efficiency Scorecard, which measures how states advanced their energy efficiency policies and programs over the last year. For 2021, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, ACEEE decided to forgo its usual scorecard, but still issued a progress report highlighting the good work states have done over the last year, including Oregon.

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