August 2022 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, we celebrate new federal funding coming to bolster Oregon energy efforts, help Oregonians rebuild from the 2020 wildfires, welcome U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to Oregon, and more.

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ODOE to Hold Public Hearing August 31 on Application for Federal Funding to Enhance Grid Resilience

ODOE will hold a public hearing Wednesday, August 31 to receive public input on its proposed grant application to the U.S. Department of Energy for the Preventing Outages and Enhancing the Resilience of the Electric Grid program created under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

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Oregon Global Warming Commission Re-Opens Application for the Natural and Working Lands Advisory Committee

The Oregon Global Warming Commission is seeking applicants to serve on a new Natural and Working Lands Advisory Committee to provide input on the implementation of the Commission’s Natural and Working Lands Proposal, which was adopted in August 2021. The proposal set a net goal for sequestration and storage in natural and working lands, made recommendations for how to track progress toward the goal, and identified key strategies and programs needed to achieve the goal.

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Inflation Reduction Act to Bolster Oregon Energy Efforts

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is an exciting piece of historic legislation. This is the largest federal investment in clean energy and climate policy ever made by the federal government with many programs scheduled to last a decade. As the State Energy Office, ODOE will apply for new funding to bring into our state.

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Oregon, Washington, and Others Ask President Biden to Increase Funding for Hanford Nuclear Site Cleanup

Oregon, Washington, and a coalition of organizations have sent a joint letter to President Biden calling for increased funding for cleanup efforts at the Hanford Nuclear Site. Adequate funding is imperative to ensuring the safe and timely cleanup of the site to protect the Columbia River and those that rely on it.

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July 2022 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, a new interactive mapping tool to connect renewable energy potential and other development, a big milestone for electric vehicles in Oregon, good news for the state's greenhouse gas reduction goal, and more.

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Oregon Global Warming Commission Analysis Shows Oregon’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goal is Within Reach

Thanks to Oregon’s recent bold energy and climate change policy advances, the state is projected to meet its 2035 greenhouse gas reduction goal, according to a recent analysis for the Oregon Global Warming Commission.

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Transportation EV-olution: Oregon Reaches Electric Vehicle Milestone

Oregonians are continuing to make the switch to electric vehicles, with more than 50,000 registered electric vehicles on Oregon roads as of the end of April 2022. Data from the Oregon Department of Transportation show electric vehicles charging up in all 36 Oregon counties, from Curry to Wallowa, Clatsop to Malheur.

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New Interactive Tool and Report Connects Oregon Renewable Energy Potential with Important Development Considerations

A public partnership with the Oregon Department of Energy, Oregon Department of Land Conservation & Development, Oregon State University’s Institute for Natural Resources, and the U.S. Department of Defense has published new educational materials that will help local governments, Tribes, communities, policymakers, agencies, energy developers, and other stakeholders access important information and considerations for potential renewable energy in Oregon.

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ODOE to Hold Webinars on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) July 12 & 20

Join ODOE for an overview of the anticipated funding to Oregon from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and weigh in on energy program priorities.

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ODOE Monitors Safety of Oregon Uranium Mine and Mill Disposal Sites

Oregonians may be surprised to learn that for a very brief period in the late 1950s/early 60s, there were two active uranium mines in southern Lake County along with a uranium mill in Lakeview. While the sites are long since closed, the Oregon Department of Energy’s Nuclear Safety and Emergency Preparedness team, along with partners from federal and state agencies, completes annual inspections of the disposal sites. ODOE hydrogeologist, Tom Sicilia, recently conducted this year’s site visit at the mill tailings disposal cell and the former mine sites.

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June 2022 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, ODOE receives National State Leadership in Clean Energy award, is recruiting members for a Community Renewable Energy Grant review committee, talks electric vehicles and the grid, shares Director Benner's views on energy resilience, and more.

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