Oregon Department of Energy Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Extended to 2025

An Oregon Department of Energy incentive program designed to encourage energy efficient rebuilding following the 2020 wildfires has been extended to continue helping communities rebuild. The $10 million Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Program was originally authorized to accept applications through May 2023, but many wildfire survivors are still recovering and trying to rebuild their homes and businesses. In response to the ongoing need, the Oregon Legislature passed a bill this year to extend the program to June 1, 2025.

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Energy Facility Siting Snapshot: Decommissioning

When Oregonians turn on the lights, their power is coming from a number of resources – from renewable resources like wind and solar to fossil fuel-based generation like natural gas. Many large energy facilities are reviewed and monitored at the state level, so what happens when one of these facilities has reached the end of its life?

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The Wheels on the Electric Bus Go Round and Round

It may feel too early to be talking about going back to school, but many students in the Beaverton School District will enjoy a clean, quiet ride this fall thanks to 13 electric buses in the district’s fleet. Two of Beaverton’s buses were supported, in part, by funds from the Public Purpose Charge, a program administered by the Oregon Department of Energy.

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Energy Spotlight: Oregon Agriculture

Oregon is well-known for its incredible agricultural sector – filberts, hops, cherries, peppermint, milk products, hay, wine grapes, onions, and much more support local communities across the state. According to the Oregon Department of Agriculture’s annual statistics book, more than 37,000 farms are spread across 16 million Oregon acres, growing or raising more than 200 products valued at over $5 billion. Oregon agricultural producers use energy for a variety of needs, including powering vehicles and equipment, irrigating fields, cleaning or chilling products, and many other uses.

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July 2023 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, ODOE launches a new incentive program to support heat pumps in Oregon rental homes, re-launches the Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program with a new $10 million investment, tracks a contamination concern at the Hanford Nuclear Site, and more.

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Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program Will Continue with Additional $10 Million Investment

The Oregon Department of Energy’s popular Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program will continue providing rebates for solar or solar and paired energy storage systems after an additional $10 million investment by the Oregon Legislature.

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Oregon Department of Energy Launches Program to Support Energy Efficient Heat Pumps in Rental Homes

The Oregon Department of Energy is now accepting incentive reservations through the agency’s new Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program. Under this new program, owners of rental homes and manufactured dwellings or recreational vehicles in a rented space may receive incentives for installing energy efficient heat pumps and related electrical upgrades.

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Oregon’s Clean Energy Future Makes Moves in 2023 Legislative Session

The 2023 Legislative Session wrapped up on June 25 and made important investments in energy and climate. Across four bills, the Oregon Department of Energy will add several new programs and obligations – and over time, about two dozen new staff to support that work. We’re excited to hit the ground running to implement this new work.

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Historic Hanford Contamination is Worse Than Expected: Oregon Experts Weigh In

In late June, the U.S. Department of Energy reported that radioactive contamination beneath a building at the Hanford Nuclear Site is worse than originally thought. What does that mean? Oregon Department of Energy Assistant Director for Nuclear Safety and Emergency Preparedness Maxwell Woods and Hanford Hydrogeologist Tom Sicilia weigh in.

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June 2023 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, ODOE announces 39 grant recipients for renewable energy and resilience projects, begins recruiting contractors for the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program, reflects on the 2023 Legislative Session, publishes the latest Grounded podcast episode, and more.

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ODOE Team Joins Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians for 2023 NW Tribal Clean Energy Summit

On June 13-15, members of the Oregon Department of Energy team joined Tribal leaders, citizens, staff,  youth, and other collaborators for the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians’ 2023 NW Tribal Clean Energy Summit in Tulalip, WA. ODOE was proud to sponsor the summit, which brought people together to talk about the cultural, economic, and social challenges of implementing clean energy projects in the Pacific Northwest.

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Oregon Department of Energy Seeking Eligible Contractors for New Rental Home Heat Pump Program

The Oregon Department of Energy is now registering eligible contractors to participate in the agency’s new Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program. Under this new program, owners of rental homes and manufactured dwellings or recreational vehicles in a rented space may qualify for a rebate for installing an eligible heat pump.

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Energy Equity for Renters

Rental homes are typically less energy efficient than owner-occupied homes, and renters usually can’t make significant energy efficiency improvements – such as installing high-efficiency appliances, new windows, or improved insulation – because they don’t own the property. National and local efforts are working to increase access so renters can benefit from improved efficiency.

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Oregon Department of Energy Grant Program Supports Renewable Energy and Energy Resilience Development Across the State

The Oregon Department of Energy has selected 39 recipients to receive a total of $12 million in Community Renewable Energy Grant Program funds. The program supports planning and construction of renewable energy or energy resilience projects for Tribes, public bodies, and consumer-owned utilities.

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