Energy Event Escalation Levels


The three Energy Event Escalation Levels below allow ODOE to determine event conditions and impact, identify objectives and strategies to resolve fuel disruptions, and work with the petroleum industry to implement actions to restore service and return the fuel supply and distribution system to pre-emergency conditions.   


Steady State Operations – Steady State Operations are normal conditions defined by a lack of identified emergency. ODOE monitors petroleum markets and systems, conduct and participate in preparedness activities including training, exercises, and plan review to ensure continual program readiness.

Credible Threat – Credible threats are events characterized by impacts to energy supply chains that are largely remediated by energy providers. ODOE establishes communications with fuel providers to assess each threat for potential service impacts, provide situational awareness, and determine whether additional actions are needed.


Activation and Immediate Response – When a credible threat is ongoing and is affecting petroleum infrastructure and systems, ODOE will activate and prepare for immediate response. Multi-faceted events may result in a State Emergency Declaration and the activation of the State Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) to facilitate the state’s overall response. ODOE will coordinate with federal, state, local, and Tribal partners to assess impacts, provide situational awareness, and determine the appropriate actions to take.

Note: Major disasters may also result in a Federal Emergency Declaration.

Community Stabilization – Following the Immediate Response phase, ODOE will coordinate with federal, state, local, and Tribal partners to assess impacts and address mission requests. The Governor’s Disaster Cabinet (GDC) may be convened. ODOE leadership provides policy guidance, recommends statewide fuel response priorities, and recommends fuel allocation priorities to the GDC. Stabilization is achieved when temporary measures effectively prevent further degradation of energy systems.  

Sustained Operations – As the event continues, ODOE works with fuel providers to identify and resolve barriers to restoring service to affected areas. 


Recovery Operations – When Community Lifelines are stabilized, the threat response is terminated. ODOE transitions to longer term recovery activities as needed, which could include working with fuel providers to return the petroleum infrastructure to pre-disaster or more resilient operational conditions.